User Guide


Generate a README, with the following sections:

  • Project Overview (Description, Version, Highlight Features ^, Authors ^)

  • Documentation ~ ^

  • Getting Started (Prerequisites, Dependencies, Installation, Local Serving ^)

  • Testing (Running Tests, Testing Modules)

  • URLs (URL Modules)

  • Modules ~

  • Development Tools

  • Contributions ~

  • License

  • Acknowledgements ^

    • ^ Section cannot be fully automated. User editing necessary after README creation.
    • ~ Section generated only with use of verbose -v flag.

Commandline Tools


The genreadme command must be executed from the root of the application: the highest possible level of the directory.


The genreadme command is the core functionality of write-me. Upon execution at the root level of a directory, it generates the a README for the current project. This command can be use as a standalone tool (without flagged options selected) or with up to two “options” flags.

If the command is used without an additional flag, it generates a simple README without web framework-specific sections. The “URLs” and “Local Serving” sections are eliminated. This option is best for non-web application respositories, such as: data science projects, data structures, and PyPI packages.

-d, --django

The -d or --django flag is used to specify that the current repositiory is a web application created using the Django web framework. With this flag, the README is generated with Django-specific serving instructions, and references Django’s default port 8000 for local hosting.

-p, --pyramid

The -p or --pyramid flag is used to specify that the current repositiory is a web application created using the Pyramid web framework. With this flag, the README is generated with Pyramid-specific serving instructions, and references Pyramid’s default port 6543 for local hosting.

-f, --flask

The -f or --flask flag is used to specify that the current repositiory is a web application created using the Flask web framework. With this flag, the README is generated with Flask-specific serving instructions, and references Flask’s default port 5000 for local hosting.

-v, --verbose

The -v or --verbose flag is used to create a longer and more verbose version of the default generated README. If used without any other web framework flag, this tag only adds the following section:

  • Documentation (links to other documentation sources)
  • Contributions (provides contact information for open source contributors)

When used with one of the web framework flags, it adds the two sections above, as well as the following section:

  • Modules (lists all Python modules used in the project)

-h, --help

The -h or --help flag is used to show all write-me commandline options at the Terminal. When used, it displays a short description of the -d, -p, -f, and -v flags, and exits out of the write-me commandline tool.